
DogsLife Games
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Games! Games! Games!

DogsLife likes to have fun, and knows three games to aid in that pursuit:

You interact with AIBO through its sensors or using color objects (depending on the game).

Pick a Game!
AIBO raises both rear paws, to allow you to pick a game.   Touch the rear paws to make a selection.   AIBO won't wait long though, and picks his own favorite if you delay.    Shown below is the LED-to-game chart (for each model):

On the 210, the face LED's indicate the game.  For the 220, the visor.   For the 310, the horn.

Rock Paper Scissors Tic-Tac-Toe
Touch 4

Playing Rock-Paper-Scissors:
  • The Game.  Rock-Paper-Scissors is normally played with two people.  A round starts, and each person chooses either rock (represented with a fist), paper (hand flat), or scissors (with fingers).   If both people have the same choice, its a tie - no winner.   If someone picks rock, and the other paper, paper wins (paper wraps rock).   If someone picks paper, and the other scissors, scissors win (scissors cut paper).   If someone picks scissors, and the other rock, rock wins (rock dulls scissors).
  • AIBO's Movements.   AIBO represents "Rock" with a little circle of his left paw.  "Paper" is waving both arms side-to-side.   "Scissors" is an up/down arm movement in a cutting motion.   A little three tick timer lets you know when a round is starting.  There are two ways to play: either with colored objects, or using the head sensors. 
  • Playing with color objects.    The pink ball represents a rock.   You need something bright blue for paper.   Something yellow or green for scissors.    Show the object (in good bright light), and AIBO responds accordingly.
  • Playing using head sensors.   This is a simple mode.   Press AIBO 's head sensor when he wins (push head forward on 310).   Rub the chin sensor on a tie (push head back on 310).   Do nothing and eventually AIBO figures he lost.   Keep color objects out of view, otherwise AIBO might respond to those first.
  • Ending the game.   AIBO decides when he has had enough (usually after winning or losing 3-6 times).   Touching the back sensor or giving a voice command will end the game also.

Playing Tic-Tac-Toe:
  • The Game.   The game is played on 3x3 board of nine squares.  Players use "X" and "O"'s to mark moves.  Win by getting three of your marks in a row before your opponent, horizontally, vertically or diagonally.  
  • Make a Game Board.   You need a tic-tac-toe board 15 to 20 inches (38 to 50mm) on a side.   Drawing one on a  large piece of paper/cardboard/carpet works fine.    Center the board in front of AIBO straight on.
  • Teach AIBO your Game Board.    AIBO must learn the size of your game board.  
    • Move the ball to one corner (make sure AIBO is tracking it).   The pause LED flashes slowly.
    • Press the head sensor once.   AIBO acknowledges with a beep.
    • Move the ball to the opposite corner diagonally.   AIBO follows the ball, flashing the pause LED faster, and gets "happy" once the board is considered big enough.  
    • Press the head sensor a second time.  If AIBO isn't happy on the second head-press, the board isn't large enough and AIBO quits the game.
Tic-Tac-Toe Board
  • Ready to Play!   AIBO decides who goes first, and either points at himself or you, with both paws.  
  • AIBO's Turn.   AIBO uses a front leg to indicate his move.   Pointing high right (AIBO's right) means the furthest square from AIBO on his right.   Pointing low left means the nearest square on the left.   Place a marker where AIBO moved (so you can remember).
  • Your Turn.   Show AIBO your move by moving the pink ball.  Make sure AIBO is tracking the ball.  On the 210 or 220, AIBO indicates where he thinks the ball is with an eye pattern.   One eye means a left or right column, both eyes is the center column.    If AIBO turns on all eye LED's (or the orange horn for 310), AIBO thinks the ball is over an occupied square.   Press the head-sensor when you've made your choice.  Place a marker where you moved.
  • Ending the game.  AIBO decides when he's had enough (usually after winning or losing 3-6 times).   Touching the back sensor or giving a voice command will end the game also.

Playing Touch 4:
  • The Game.   Touch-4 is a memory game (for people, not AIBO's).   :-)   AIBO displays an ever longer face/visor/horn LED pattern sequence.   You must remember the sequence, and repeat it using AIBO's four foot sensor pads.   If you get 20 in a row, you win!    This game is harder on the 310 than the 210/220.
  • Ready to Play!  AIBO starts with a three long LED sequence.   Once you successfully repeat the pattern, AIBO does a little victory dance for you, then gives four LED's (the first three, plus one more).
  • Faster 'n Faster!  As you get to longer LED sequences, AIBO presents the LED's more and more quickly.   You have to work harder to keep up.
  • Ending the game.  AIBO decides when he has had enough (usually after you miss the pattern 3-6 times).   Touching the back sensor or giving a voice command will end the game also.