
Install OPEN-R on Cygwin
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Email: dogsbody@dogsbodynet.com     Home: https://dogsbodynet.com

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Install Documentation & Sample Code
  3. Install OPEN-R SDK
  4. Build a Sample
  5. Test Sample

1. Introduction

OPEN-R requires a Unix/Linux like environment.   To work with it on Windows, the Cygwin package can be used.  It's based on Linux, and allows Linux programs (for the most part) to work under Windows.   

To first install Cygwin, you'll want to follow this tutorial.

If just starting out with AIBO programming, I highly recommend first checking out AiboPet's YART instead.

2. Install Documentation & Sample Code

Before going too far, see if OPEN-R is for you.    Download the following documentation and samples archives.  Save them to: "C:\Cygwin\usr\local".   In a Cygwin terminal, the path is "/usr/local". Open a Cygwin terminal.   Either use the desktop icon or Start Menu entry.   To extract the documentation and samples, type the commands shown below in white:

dogsbody@WinXP ~
$ mkdir aibo

dogsbody@WinXP ~
$ cd aibo

dogsbody@WinXP ~/aibo
$ tar -zxf /usr/local/OPEN_R_SDK-docE-1.1.5-r1.tar.gz

dogsbody@WinXP ~/aibo
$ tar -zxf /usr/local/OPEN_R_SDK-sample-1.1.5-r2.tar.gz

The contents are expanded to folders OPEN_R_SDK-doc-1.1.5-r1 and samples.
In particular, you should read the programmers guide (ProgrammersGuide_E.pdf) in the docs directory.

3. Install OPEN-R SDK

If you decide to continue, download the following files.   Again, save to "C:\Cygwin\usr\local".
Open a Cygwin terminal (or use the previous one).   Type the commands shown below in white:

dogsbody@WinXP ~/aibo
$ cd /usr/local

dogsbody@WinXP /usr/local
$ tar -zxf mipsel-devtools-3.3.2-bin-r1.tar.gz

dogsbody@WinXP /usr/local
$ tar -zxf OPEN_R_SDK-1.1.5-r5.tar.gz

dogsbody@WinXP /usr/local
$ chmod -R a+rw OPEN_R_SDK

This installs the MIPS compatible compiler and OPEN-R-SDK into "C:\Cygwin\usr\local\OPEN-R-SDK".  The last step avoids problems when copying files to memsticks later on.

4. Build a Sample

To test the tools installed properly, try compiling a sample (for ERS-210/220):

dogsbody@WinXP /usr/local
$ cd ~/aibo/sample/ers200/BallTrackingHead

dogsbody@WinXP ~/aibo/sample/ers200/BallTrackingHead
$ make

... much scrolling of compile progress ...

dogsbody@WinXP ~/aibo/sample/ers200/BallTrackingHead
$ make install

dogsbody@WinXP ~/aibo/sample/ers200/BallTrackingHead
$ ls -al MS/OPEN-R/MW/OBJS

You should see the following binaries listed:
To compile for the ERS-7 instead, use path "~/aibo/sample/ers7/BallTrackingHead7".

5. Test Sample

To try the sample on AIBO, you'll need a programmable memory stick & reader.   Click here for details.    Assuming your drive appears as "M:", type the following commands:

dogsbody@WinXP ~/aibo/sample/ers200/BallTrackingHead
$ cp -r /usr/local/OPEN_R_SDK/OPEN_R/MS_ERS200/BASIC/memprot/OPEN-R /cygdrive/m

dogsbody@WinXP ~/aibo/sample/ers200/BallTrackingHead
$ cp -r MS/OPEN-R /cygdrive/m

The first command copies the base SDK.   The second copies the compiled sample binaries.   The last letter in each command is the memstick drive.    To prepare an ERS-7 memstick instead, replace "MS_ERS200" with "MS_ERS7".

Once done copying, eject the memstick from the reader & insert into AIBO.   Boot AIBO & give it a try!   AIBO will stretch, then start scanning for the ball.  Once found AIBO bleeps and tracks it.