
Install OPEN-R on Linux
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Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Files Needed
  3. Install Documentation & Samples
  4. Install OPEN-R SDK
  5. Build a Sample
  6. Test Sample

1. Introduction

OPEN-R requires a Unix/Linux like environment, so if your running something like Ubuntu you're all set.   However, if your just starting out with AIBO programming, I highly recommend first checking out AiboPet's YART instead.

2. Files Needed

To install OPEN-R, first download the following files from the Tekkotsu site.   Do not unzip any of the archives - the build script handles that.   Download somewhere convenient, perhaps "aibo" under your home directory. You'll also want to grab the docs & samples files...

3. Install Documentation & Samples

Open a terminal, and expand the documentation & samples archives with:
cd ~/aibo
tar -zxf OPEN_R_SDK-docE-1.1.5-r1.tar.gz
tar -zxf OPEN_R_SDK-sample-1.1.5-r2.tar.gz

4. Install OPEN-R SDK

You must have gcc-3.4 installed on your computer (OPEN-R is incompatible with gcc-4.1), and will possibly need several other packages.

The steps required to install these differs between distributions.    On Ubuntu 7.04 or 7.10 for example:
  • Select System -> Administrator -> Synaptic Package Manager
  • Click the Development category, and select  build-essentialflex,  and  gcc-3.4
  • Click the Word Processing category, and select  texinfo
  • Finally, click the "Apply" toolbar button
Open a terminal, set the build script executable (if necessary) with:
chmod a+x build-aibo-toolchain-3.3.6-r1.sh 
Now run the build script as shown below.   It installs everything in /usr/local/OPEN_R_SDK.   Edit the script beforehand if you want OPEN-R installed somewhere else. 
export CC=gcc-3.4
sudo ./build-aibo-toolchain-3.3.6-r1.sh
Go a grab a snack.  The build takes a while.   Read the "ProgrammerGuide_E.pdf" while you wait.

You'll see "All Done!" if it worked properly.

5. Build a Sample

To test the tools installed properly, try compiling a sample (for ERS-210/220):

cd ~/aibo/sample/ers200/BallTrackingHead
make install
You should see the following binaries:
To compile for the ERS-7 instead, use path "~/aibo/sample/ers7/BallTrackingHead7".

6. Test Sample

To try the sample on AIBO, you'll need a programmable memory stick & reader.   Click here for details.   Open with a file browser.

First copy the base SDK from:
ERS-210/220:  /usr/local/OPEN_R_SDK/OPEN_R/MS_ERS200/BASIC/memprot
ERS-7: /usr/local/OPEN_R_SDK/OPEN_R/MS_ERS7/BASIC/memprot
Next copy the compiled sample from:
ERS-210/220:  ~/aibo/sample/ers200/BallTrackingHead/MS
ERS-7: ~/aibo/sample/ers7/BallTrackingHead7/MS
Eject the memstick from the reader, and insert into AIBO.   Boot AIBO & give it a try!  AIBO will stretch, then start scanning for the ball.  Once found AIBO bleeps and tracks it.