DogsLife Self Docking
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Email: dogsbody@dogsbodynet.com
Self Docking in
When hungry AIBO looks for the charger. If visible, he approaches
the charging station and self-docks. Unfortunately, there
is no way for DogsLife to wake up after charging is complete, so you'll
have to help out for now.
Self docking works well, but is still somewhat
"experimental". There are simply too
many lighting & floor combinations to test. DogsLife
adapts to various lighting conditions, and usually works better than
Sony's Recognition. However, self docking is very complex
and one never knows what issues remain.
To test self docking (even if DogsLife isn't hungry), position him two
or three feet from the charger and say "Action One".
Self Docking works with 210 and 220 models only, and requires the
charger extensions from Sony's AIBO Recognition, or DIY extensions. Sorry, but the
isn't supported.
- The AIBO charger/docking station.
- A clear well lit area where AIBO can see the
Ideal locations include middle of a room, or a corner (against
a white or light colored background/wall). A lamp over the
charger will help if AIBO has trouble seeing the station, or staying
locked onto it.
- IMPORTANT!!! There
shouldn't be
anything pink, green or blue near the charger to confuse AIBO.
- Make sure AIBO cannot trip over the charging station
- Place charger at least 18 inches (or 45cm) from walls
all sides. See below:

Demonstration Movie:
DogsBody showing off self-docking (he has been very
good about testing for me). You'll need the latest Windows
Media Viewer installed.

The charger was illuminated with a single 100W incandescent light bulb
(note the shadows), approximately five feet away.