
ReCode - Extended RCode Compiler
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Email: dogsbody@dogsbodynet.com     Home: https://dogsbodynet.com

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Command Line
  3. Supported Operators
  4. Operator Description
  5. Loop Structures
  6. Array's
  7. Pragma Debug Control
  8. Code Examples
  9. Notes & Limitations
  10. What's New

1.0 Introduction

The syntax of RCode is quite simplistic, and in some ways resembles writing assembly language.  For experienced software developers, coding is cumbersome at best.  The array extensions from AiboPet are very useful, but anyone familar with normal programming languages miss their concise array syntax.   Lastly, the requirement to return values from function calls in the "Context" variable or on the stack makes coding awkward.

ReCode supports using C-style expressions, including direct array references (using AiboPet RCodePlus) & function calls.   Keywords can be upper or lower case.  Spacing inside expressions is optional.   ReCode also performs full syntax checking on the target RCode (just like RCheck).   DogsLife uses the extensions, and must be compiled with ReCode.

This program is intended for software developers already familiar with BASIC, C, or Pascal programming.  No attempt is made to teach programming concepts here. 

People new to programming AIBO will find AiboPet's YART utility easier.   YART offers a graphical drag-n-drop method of creating simple custom AIBO personalities.  It's a great way to start!

2.0 Command Line:

Usage (from dos prompt) is:

RECODE  [options]  target1.r  [target2.r ...]  [-outfile outfile.r]

The command line options are:
-OUTFILE Specifiy name of output file.  Default is R-CODE.R.
-CHECK Do syntax checks only (no output).  Identical to using RCheck with expressions enabled.
-LABELS Flag as error labels which differ only by case.  ie:  Trying to use similar labels names 'G_MAX', and 'G_Max' at once would be considered an error.  RCode permits such label names, but it is poor coding style, and can create difficult to debug problems (when you get them mixed up).
-VARS Flag as errors variables which differ only by case.  ie:  Trying to use variable names 'AAA', 'Aaa', 'aaa' all at once would be considered an error.  RCode permits such variable names, but it is poor coding style, and can create difficult to debug problems (when you get them mixed up).
-DEBUG Insert line tracing debug information.   Adds debug PRINT statements of the current program location.  You need a telnet connection (wireless LAN) for this to be of any use.
-DEBUG2 Insert line & variable tracing debug information.   Adds debug PRINT statements for the current program location, and outputs the value of referenced and assigned variables to aid debug.  This can be VERY verbose while Aibo is running.  You need a telnet connection (wireless LAN) for this to be of any use.
-DEBUG3 Inserts line, variable, and stack tracing debug information.   Intended for use by Aibnet.   Adds debug PRINT statements for the current program location, values of referenced and assigned variables, and call/return tracking.  This can be VERY verbose while Aibo is running.  You need a telnet connection (wireless LAN) for this to be of any use.
-NOPRINT Filters all PRINT statements from behavior file.  Recommended prior to distributing RCode, since PRINT statements can make Aibo's without wireless LAN card's unstable.
-NOEXPR Support only standard RCode.  Expressions are disabled

3.0 Supported Operators:

ReCode implements the C-style operators shown below, and follows the precidence (which operators are higher priority) order shown.

[ ]  ( )
postfix ++
postfix --
prefix ++
prefix --
&  *  +  -  ~  !
*  /  % Multiplicative
+  - Additive
<< >> Bitwise shift (compiled into mulitply/divide loops).
<  >  <=  >= Relational
= ==  != Relational
& Bitwise-AND
^ Bitwise-exclusive-OR
| Bitwise-inclusive-OR
&& Logical-AND
|| Logical-OR
? : Conditional-expression
:=  *=  /=  %= 
+=  -=  <<=  >>=
&=  ^=  |= 
Simple and compound assignment.
ReCode does not implement C-language pointers, structures, or the comma operator.

4.0 Operator Description:
arrayname[index]  Array reference. 
() Parenthesis.  Use to override precidence evaluation order.
Call function & use result.  Function must use RETURN command upon completion.
Increment variable/array after using value. 
Decrement variable/array after using value. 
Increment variable/array before using value. 
Decrement variable/array before using value.
~expr Bitwise invert (one's complement).
!expr Logical Negate.  If expression is zero, result is 1. 
expr1 && expr2 Logical-AND.  If both expressions non-zero, result is 1.
expr1 || expr2 Logical-OR.  If either expression non-zero, result is 1.
expr1 * expr2 Multiply expressions.
expr1 / expr2 Divide expr1 by expr2.
expr1 % expr2 Modulus of expr1 by expr2.  expr1-(expr1/expr2)*expr1
expr1 + expr2 Add expr1 and expr2
expr1 - expr2 Subtract expr2 from expr1
expr1 << expr2 Bitwise shift up expr1 by expr2.  Each count of expr2 multiplies expr1 by 2.
expr1 >> expr2 Bitwise shift up expr1 by expr2.  Each count of expr2 divides expr1 by 2.
expr1 < expr2 If expr1 less than expr2, result is 1.
expr1 <= expr2 If expr1 less than or equal to expr2, result is 1.
expr1 > expr2 If expr1 greater than expr2, result is 1.
expr1 >= expr2 If expr1 greater than or equal to expr2, result is 1
expr1 = expr2
expr1 == expr2
If expr1 equals expr2, result is 1.
expr1 != expr2 If expr1 not equal to expr2, result is 1.
expr1 & expr2 Bitwise-AND of expressions.   ie: (12 & 4) equals 4.
expr1 | expr2 Bitwise-inclusive-OR of expressions.  ie: (8 | 4) equals 12.
expr1 ^ expr2 Bitwise-exclusive-OR of expressions.  ie: (12 ^ 4) equals 8.
expr1 ? expr2 : expr3 Conditional-expression.  If expr1 is non-zero, expr2 is evaluated.  Otherwise, expr2 is evaluated.
variable := expr2
array[expr1] := expr2
Assign result of expr2 into variable/array.   Can be embedded in another expression.  ie: 
  xxx := yyy+123
    SET xxx (yyy+(zzz := aaa))
variable *= expr2
array[expr1] *= expr2
Same as: 
  variable := variable * (expr2)
  array[expr1] := array[expr1] * (expr2)
/=  %=  += 
-=  <<=  >>=
&=  ^=  |= 
Similar to above, using indicated operator.  ie:
  variable += 5   // Add 5 to variable

5.0 Loop Structures:

ReCode supports expressions in all loop commands (WHILE/WEND, DO/LOOP, REPEAT/UNTIL etc...).  In the generated output, loop commands are converted into IF/THEN blocks to support decomposing expressions.  ie:

DO:WHILE aaa>bbb
  //user code...
LOOP:UNTIL eee>fff
IF aaa > bbb THEN
  //user code...
  IF eee <= fff reTempLbl

6.0 Arrays:

ReCode supports simple one-dimensional inline arrays -- the syntax is similar to C, Pascal or BASIC.   Such statements are compiled into AiboPet's RCodePlus extensions.   However, you as the programmer are still responsible for initializing the arrays properly.

6.1 Important Array Rules & Limitations
  • There can be a maximum of 20 arrays (numbered from 1 to 20).
  • An array can have a maximum of 32767 elements.
  • Array index values are zero based (an array with 500 elements has valid index's 0 through 499).
  • Values stored in an array are 16-bit signed integers (-32768 to 32767).
  • You -must- dimension an array with AP_DIM before using it.
  • 6.2 Initializing Arrays
    The RCodePlus array commands specify arrays by number.  These numbers can be from 1 to 20.   Other values cause errors or are reserved for special purposes by RCodePlus.

    To reference an array by variable name, simply assign the number (1 to 20) to a valid RCode variable.   The numeric array reference business can be slightly confusing at first.   Just remember to:

    • Allocate a number from 0 to 19.
    • Choose a variable name, and assign it that number.
    • Specify the array size using the RCodePlus AP_DIM command.
    Please refer to AiboPet's RCode extension documentation for complete details on RCodePlus arrays.

    6.3 Array Examples:

      SET myarray 1            // Use variable name "myarray" for array 1
      AP_DIM myarray 500       // Initialize array 1 with 500 entries

      SET otherarray 5         // Use variable name "otherarray" for array 5
      AP_DIM otherarray 25     // Initialize array 5 with 25 entries

      for i 0 499              // Initialize array 1 (myarray) with random numbers
        rnd myarray[i] 1 1000

      for j 0 24               // Show arrays used in expressions
        otherarray[24-j] := (myarray[j*5] * myarray[j*10]) / myarray[j*15]

    7.0 Pragma Debug Control

    ReCode supports flexible debug mode #pragma controls.  Instead of global all-or-nothing debug (from the command line), the pragma control allows you to control debug in the RCode source.   You generate debug only on the area of interest -- not your entire program.

    In debug mode, the compiled RCode increases many times in size.   Downloading to AIBO takes longer, and AIBO takes longer to start up.  Certain large RCode programs (such as DogsLife) simply become too large for AIBO in debug mode.   Pragma controls help avoid that problem.

    The pragma commands mirror the command line options.  ie:
    #pragma nodebug
    Turn off debug code generation
    #pragma debug
    Insert line tracing information only.
    #pragma debug2 Insert line & variable tracing debug information.  
    #pragma debug3 Inserts line, variable, and stack tracing debug information. 

    For example:
      #pragma debug3           // Generate debug info on this loop
      for i 0 499              // Initialize array 1 (myarray) with random numbers
        rnd myarray[i] 1 1000

      #pragma nodebug          // No debug info on this loop
      for j 0 24               // Show arrays used in expressions
        otherarray[24-j] := (myarray[j*5] * myarray[j*10]) / myarray[j*15]

    NOTE:  Since Aibnet must be in debug mode to take advantage of debug statements, you must override the global command line debug options Aibnet selects.   Make the first line in your RCode read "#pragma nodebug" to enable line-level control.

    8.0 Code Examples:

    Instead of: ReCode:
    IF aaa > bbb THEN
      IF ccc > ddd THEN
        IF eee > fff THEN
          PRINT "Hello"
    if (aaa>bbb) && (ccc>ddd) && (eee>fff) then
      print "Hello"
    SET aaa bbb
    ADD aaa ccc
    MUL aaa ddd
    aaa := (bbb+ccc)*ddd
    SET tempvar bbb
    MUL tempvar ccc
    AP_GET aaa myarray tempvar
    aaa := myarray[bbb*ccc]
    SET tempvar bbb
    ADD tempvar 123
    AP_GET tempvar2 myarray tempvar
    DIV tempvar2 64
    AP_SET tempvar2 myarray tempvar
    div  myarray[bbb+123]  64
    SET tempvar aaa
    MUL tempvar bbb
    SET tempvar2 ccc
    MUL tempvar2 ddd
    IF tempvar > tempvar2 THEN
      PRINT "Hello"
    if aaa*bbb > ccc*ddd then
      print "Hello"
    PUSH aaa
    PUSH bbb
    CALL myfunction 2
    POP tempvar
    IF tempvar > 42 THEN
      PRINT "Hello"
    if myfunction(aaa,bbb)>42 then
      print "Hello"

    9.0 Notes & Limitations:
    • ReCode creates temporary variables & labels to implement expression handling.   The temporary variables are named reTempVar1, reTempVar2, etc...   Temporary labels reTempLbl1, reTempLbl2, etc...   Avoid using these names in your normal coding style.
    • Expressions cannot be used with the ONCALL, CSET, IF_1ST, IF_AND, or IF_OR commands, and spaces must still be used between variables & operators in these.
    • Must use RETURN comand within functions called from expressions.   No syntax check is done to enforce this requirement, and it can create strange debug problems. 
    • Simple assignment operator (for use within expression) is " := ".  RCode defines both the " = " and " == " operators as equality.   For example, the following sets aaa through ddd equal to eee:    "aaa := bbb := ccc := ddd := eee"

    10.0 What's New:
    • Version 3.01 - Fixed inaccurate RCode line tracking information in debug mode (used by Aibnet).
    • Version 3.0 - Better code optimization & generation of array statements.   Improved decision making regarding stack-based vs inline code generation.  Fixed handling of BREAK command in loop statements.   Addition of #pragma controls for selective debug generation.   Fixed CASE statement to restore context if original parameter was replaced by subroutine call.
    • Version 2.0 - Support for Aibnet RCode tracing (to aid debug efforts).   Improved syntax checking & warning messages for common mistakes.   Expressions supported in CASE command parameters, PLAY parameters (walk distances, turn angles, etc...), and PRINT statements.   Array elements can  receive results of commands (ie:  MUL myarray[aaa] 42).   Fixed bugs with postfix increment/decrement (ie: aaa++), and conditional expression operators (ie: aaa ? bbb : ccc).
    • Version 1.4 - Added support for expression only lines & AiboPet YART tool. 

    Legalese: These programs are provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed or implied.  This includes without limitation the fitfulness for a particular purpose or application.    People using the software bear all risk as to its quality and performance.   The user of the software is responsible for any damages whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential arising from a failure of these programs to operate in any manner desired.   Etc, etc...

    "AIBO" is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.  "AIBO Master Studio", "R-Code", and "Memory Stick" are trademarks of Sony Corporation.