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1. Introduction

AIBO Action Config files (ACTION.CFG, ACTION.EXT, ACTION.AMS) exist to give readable names to the MWCID reference numbers from MWC files.   For example, in RCode you can type "PLAY:ACTION:beethoven5" instead of "PLAY:MWCID:24015".

The config files are simple text (editable with Notepad), and consist of four columns:
  • Action Name
  • MWCID number
  • Special Action Code (see below)
  • Comment

2. Action Codes

The third column tells AIBO about special functions, for certain builtin skits.  These support walking, ball searching etc...   All skits created by Skitter have code 0 (normal skit).

0 = Normal Skit
1 = Walking & Leg Movement
2 = Turn
3 = Head Movement
4 = Ball Search & Tracking

3. Example

SIT          270     0    Sit
STAND        271     0    Stand
LIE          272     0    Lie down
WALK         622     1    Walk
TURN         632     2    Turn around
MOVE_HEAD    1008    3    Look in the specified direction
TRACK_HEAD   1000    4    Track an object
SEARCH       1001    4    Search for an object
beethoven5   24015   0    beethoven5
drum_roll    24054   0    drum_roll
headstand    24069   0    headstand
Minuet1b     24100   0    Minuet1b